A Taxi Ride in Cabo
“There are no mosq… how do you no pronounce it?” the taxi driver asked, pinching the skin on the back of his palm. “The uh… little bugs, mosq-”
“Yes mo-squi-toes,” the taxi driver said carefully. “Sorry my English is not so good.”
“No, your English is very good!”
“Thank you,” he said. “I always try to practice my English while I drive. And I work at one of the hotels so I get to practice there too but when all of this stuff happened, I had to start driving more for extra money. But you know we are really lucky here because there is no still-water like swamps… ponds… things like this. In order to breed they need still-water, but since there isn’t any here we don’t have any mosquitoes.”
“Wow that’s very interesting, that is good to know.”
“It reminds me of buffaloes,” Caroline said from the backseat. “My mom told me once that when there are storms, buffaloes run through the storm so they can get through it faster. If they wait for the storm to come to them, then it will take longer.”
“I am sure there is some meaning in there. Maybe something about not staying in the same place for too long and running toward our problems, instead of running away.”
The car fell silent for a moment.